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Wireless Survey and WiFi Survey_treviste

Trevis Wireless Survey and WiFi Survey

Wireless internet is crucial to any business in today's market. The presence of a reliable, secure, and well coverage wireless network is important to any business as it brings forth the modernization, efficiency, and automation in the workplaces or the attraction of visitors to the facilities. As information can be access and share quickly for social benefits and the possibility of enhancing can be adhered to both soft and hard (physical) security as well.

Conducting a wireless network survey is essential to correctly implement a WiFi network to ensure high availability and coverage reliability. Especially with team members working across varying devices, in different spaces, wireless internet underpins the functionality of any business. By carrying out a Wireless Survey annually, customers can have full visibility of the network coverage performance and improve your wireless accessibility. This allows for consistent productivity in your business. Hence, our WiFi survey services will provide you with a complete Wireless Solution for your needs. Our wireless survey services can be the first step in pre to post wireless deployment. We carry out wireless surveys for schools, medical clinics, hospitals, offices, shopping malls, warehouses hotels, and private businesses.

Wireless coverage signal strength test_t
Wireless coverage signal strength test
Trevis provides services related to business Wi-Fi.

Trevis provides services related to business Wi-Fi. We actively design, procure, install, configure, secure, and integrate wireless networks for businesses.  Our clients' businesses range from start-up businesses, SMEs to enterprises. We use state of the art predictive wireless modeling alongside refined approaches to meet your business requirements. As a result, this provides you with consistent, reliable, and fast connectivity. With these tools, it allows your business to stay ahead of the competition.

What Trevis offers:
  • Wireless AP Hardware Installation

  • Wireless AP Antenna Installation

  • Relevant Label Specifications

  • Wireless coverage signal strength test

  • Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) Test

  • AAA authentication and web authentication

  • Data packet ping test

  • Intra-AP user isolation test

  • Inter-AP handover test

  • System throughput and inbound bandwidth test

  • Co-channel interference test

  • Single AP stress test

  • Spectrogram

  • Network visit success rate and response delay test

Co-Channel Interference Test_trevistech.
Wireless coverage signal strength test
Engineering Implementation Process 
Equipment Hardware Functionality and Frequency Spectrum Quality Signal Value 
Management of hardware procurement and installation where required 
Lastly after implementation and configuration:
Final wireless site survey to review the network design and capacity to ensure your business requirements are met. 

45, Jalan Pemimpin, #04-02 Foo Wah Industrial Building, Singapore 577197.
Office Tel : +65 6908 5808



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